Big Fish
Meet Costume Designer Elisabetta Polito
If you are producing a large cast musical which requires a wide range of fantastical costumes, look no further than Elisabetta Polito to handle your design. Although she enjoys any challenge, from a small contemporary comedy to a detailed period …
Meet the Cast: Aimee Doherty
Actress Aimee Doherty plays Sandra, wife of Edward and mother of Will, who must walk the line between the fantastic and the pragmatic.
BIG FISH Special Events
From talkbacks to artists forums to special guest speakers, this Spring is full of special events around SpeakEasy’s production of BIG FISH! Recurring Events: PAY WHAT YOU CAN: March 19 OUT AND ABOUT NIGHT: March 20 ARTISTS FORUM: Participate in a talkback after …
Meet the Cast: Steven Goldstein
The role of Edward Bloom will be brought to life by actor Steven Goldstein.
Meet the Cast: Sara Schoch
Sara Schoch plays Jenny Hill, a mysterious woman from Edward’s past who is key to Will’s search for the truth.
Meet the Cast: Sarah Crane
Actress Sarah Crane returns to SpeakEasy as the Girl in the Water, one of the more mythic characters of Edward’s past.
Meet the Cast: Zaven Ovian
Actor Zaven Ovian makes his SpeakEasy debut as Don Price, the would-be BMOC from Edward Bloom’s youth.
Meet the Production Team: Michele Teevan
Longtime friend of the company Michele Teevan is serving as the Assistant Stage Manager for our production.
Meet the Cast: Will McGarrahan
SpeakEasy favorite Will McGarrahan returns as the mysterious Amos Calloway.
Meet the Cast: Sam Simahk
Sam Simahk plays Will Bloom, a man at a turning point in his life who is looking for understanding.