The Boston Project
Call for Submissions: Project Resilience

SpeakEasy Stage Company is seeking proposals from New England based playwrights for currently unwritten, location-specific, ten-minute monologues for our devised piece, The Boston Project: Project Resilience.
Boston Podcast Project

SERIES 1: THE USUAL UNUSUALBY MJ HALBERSTADTDIRECTED BY MEGAN SANDBERG-ZAKIAN The Usual Unusual is a scrappy and quaint bookstore where Boston’s LGBTQ+ community has gathered to shop, organize, and flirt since the 70’s. When the store’s charismatic founder Penn announces his …
Who’s Who: The Usual Unusual Cast

Meet the cast of our first Boston Project Podcast Series: The Usual Unusual!
Boston Project named 2018 winner
SpeakEasy’s Boston Project awarded the Launch Pad 2018 winner by the Improper. Read the full article.
2020 Call for Proposals
The Boston Project is a new works initiative supporting the creation and development of plays set right here in our hometown. Our goal is to create more plays that explore what it means to be in this city at this moment, …
Playwright Bill Doncaster
Bill Doncaster is a local playwright and our second Boston Project playwright. His new play Ward Nine will be featured alongside Nina Louise Morrison’s Born Naked this February.
Playwright Nina Louise Morrison
Born Naked by Nina L Morrisson will be performed as a staged reading to an invited audience this month. Watch this space for updates from rehearsal and further developments from the playwrights.