Small Mouth Sounds
Small Mouth Sounds Photos

To download high resolution images, click the thumbnails below, then right-click and choose “Save Image As.” All photos by Nile Scott Studios. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”97″ gal_title=”SMS Photos”]
Director M. Bevin O’Gara

Director M. Bevin O’Gara (Clybourne Park, Tribes, The Bridges of Madison County, and more) is no stranger to SpeakEasy Stage, but this is her first show back with us since being named Artistic Director of the Kitchen Theatre Company in …
Small Mouth Sounds

One of the New York Times’ Top Ten Plays of 2015! Six strangers in search of serenity meet at a wellness retreat for what they all hope will be a life-changing five-day experience in this hit Off-Broadway comedy by Bess Wohl. In the overwhelming quiet of the woods, they attempt to abandon technology and observe a vow of silence while being guided by an unseen guru, who challenges them to confront internal demons and seek peace.