Paola Ferrer

Paola Ferrer

Paola Ferrer (Estella) is delighted to make her SpeakEasy debut. Recent credits include, Lunch BunchDance Nation (Boston Globe’s Top 10 Theater Productions of 2023), Don’t Eat the Mangos (4 Norton Award nominations), with Apollinaire Theater Company (ATC). Other favorite performances include The Good Body (Hub Theatre of Boston), Two Mile Hollow (ATC), Sonic Life of a Giant Tortoise (ATC), Radium Girls (Flat Earth Theatre), The Good Person of Setzuan (Fort Point Theatre Company), Blood Wedding (Escena Latina Teatro). Next up she’ll be back at ATC performing in Aeschylus’ The Suppliant Women. She’s a [recovering] lawyer and lives in Stoughton with her husband, Camilo, and their two pups, Dahlia & Orchid. 


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